August Cesarec Centre for Culture and Film is managing the Cinema Kinoteka and Summer Cinema Tuškanac. August Cesarec Centre for Culture and Film and its activities and programming stimulate promotion of culture and art, artistic expression, development of creativity, life quality improvement, cultural heritage awareness, ecological awareness, lifelong learning, independent decision-making, activating individual and collective responsibility, as well as promotion of culture of non-violence and democracy. August Cesarec Centre for Culture and Film continues the long tradition of cinema profession, since recently also at Tuškanac Summer Cinema, Dubravkin put bb. In addition to partnering with renowned Croatian festivals, the Centre’s programming strategy focuses on systematic screening of relevant titles covering all genres in film history, mainly European and generally non-American production, but not excluding contemporary and the most prolific – American production of all genres. The programming strives to achieve a balance between older and more recent film history, with relevant contemporary titles of all genres.